Stine and sometimes known as Jovial Bob Stine and Eric Affabee, is an American novelist, short story writer, television producer, screenwriter, and executive editor. Robert Lawrence Stine (born October 8, 1943), better known by his pen name R. Bernie tries to earn money by many means, by selling stuff, stealing from his friends and making bets. Bernie has a crush on a girl by the name of April–May June. Their rivals are Sherman Oaks, a rich spoiled brat, and his buddies Wes Updood and Joe Sweety, from the Nyce House dormitory. Each book is written from the perspective of Bernie Bridges, a fourth-grader who lives in his dormitory at Rotten School with his pals Feenman, Crench, Belzer, Beast, Chipmunk, Nosebleed, Billy The Brain and others. Stine concerning the adventures of children at a boarding school.
Rotten School is a children’s book series by R. Rotten School books – Sinhala Translations for kids Click on the following links to buy on-line Ape iskole sengaunu wadakaya Ape iskole race bella Ape iskole pupar pokune sadaya Ape iskole computer awatharaya Ape iskole cake sangramaya Ape iskole angara dangara meti bolaya Ape iskole apayen a guruthuma